my 10 top blogging tips

Have you read how to blog in business and getting started on your blog?

Well, then you are ready to start developing your very own blog!

10 Top Blogging Tips

  1. Blogs work best at a length of 500 — 800 words written in short paragraphs with bullets, lists and frequent subheadings and /or images to break up the text. If you write too much, just break it down into multiple bite-sized blog posts.
  2. An easy way to get started is to list the most frequently asked questions from your customers and give UNIQUE answers to them in a blog post that shows your USP.
  3. Embrace the ‘rules’ of good copywriting when you write; picture your audience and write as if you’re talking directly to one person — always using the word ‘you’ to connect and engage.
  4. Try to think of your writing as ‘talking’ and write as you would speak (without the ums and ers) then read aloud to check it flows naturally. If you stumble, start editing.
  5. Give your post a clear structure that leads the reader through logically, and create titles and subtitles using searchable phrases like ‘How to…’ ‘5 Tips for…’ Why you should…’ etc. as these will help your blog to pop up when people search online.
  6. Use personal or professional stories to illustrate your message and make it unique. You may find you need to tweak your title once you finish writing your post and have mentally clarified your ideas but that’s just good practice.
  7. Add a specific ‘call to action’ like ‘Call now to book your free consultation’ in every post. And link to other similar posts and your contact page.
  8. Always credit other people’s work, images, blogs or ideas and add links where appropriate. Better still, create your own images using Canva or Pic Monkey to attract the reader and build SEO.
  9. Share, share, share…get your blog out on Twitter, LinkedIn and on a professional Facebook page to start with, and guest post for as many external websites, magazines and publications as possible to prove your credibility.
  10. Be consistent. Publish a post weekly, monthly, seasonally, or however frequently you wish, but stick to it. Putting up one post one week, then five posts a month later is chaotic. You can pre-programme posts to go out at certain times, and the only way to  create a loyal following is by posting frequently and consistently.

Take all the steps above, as well as more tips from my how to blog in business and getting started on your new blog posts, and you’ll soon be on your way to success through blogging.

But don’t expect to see too much in the way of business too soon, blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it’s a new way of showcasing your business, demonstrating your expertise and connecting with your audience, and it truly is the best way to build your Personal Brand.

Print your FREE blogging worksheet below:

Now, before you start blogging, fill in the worksheet below to help you stay focused on your niche, your audience and your goals.

Look at your answers and think carefully about what you are trying to achieve before you start.

Come back to this often to either update your goals or regain your focus.

August Blog Development Worksheet

Name up to 3 topics you specialise in as part of your business. This is your ‘expertise’.




Name your top 3 ideal customers. These people are your ‘audience’, think of them as you write.




Name up to 3 competitors or similar businesses. Investigate their blogs and improve on them.




Name up to 3 blogs or business books you genuinely enjoy reading. If you want to write in this way too, take inspiration from them but stay unique when developing your tone of voice.




Name up to 3 celebrities you find inspirational. Read their blogs/social media posts to help you stay focused when blogging feels too tiresome (and it will at some point). Keep going!




Name up to 3 specific outcomes you would like to achieve from your blog. This is how you will focus on your goals and measure your effectiveness and impact.




That’s it — time to get started by answering your customer’s burning questions in the unique way that only YOU can do…

Good luck, and above all, have fun and enjoy writing your blog, then your readers will enjoy following your thoughts and ideas too.

Still stuck on your blog? Need help getting started?

If you need an expert to create your own beautiful blog or don’t have the time to blog yourself but don’t want to miss out on the benefits it can bring your business, just contact me and I can take care of all your blogging in business needs.

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